Process Challenging Emotions, and Regulate Your Nervous System With IFS and EFT.

What issues can I help you with:

  • Get to Know Your Parts, yes even the one you don’t like.
  • Befriend Your Shame.
  • Regulate Your Nervous System & Understand Your Anxiety.
  • Understand Social Anxiety and Find Your Voice.
  • Fear of Putting Yourself Out There/ Fear of Being Different.
  • Healing Emotional Wounds.
  • Feel Supported On the Path Less Traveled.
  • Re-shape the Perception of  What is ‘Normal’.
  • Bring Forth Authentic Self-expression.
  • Reconnect with Self-Value.
  • Understand Trauma and Bring Healing to the Parts in Pain.
  • Reconnect with Your Confidence.

During the session, we will tune into your inner world, help you find unconscious patterns and beliefs, and release these blocks. We will get to know parts that are involved in your current life circumstance and need your attention. You will have a chance to explore parts that play more extreme role in your system and understand them.

As a result you will be more connected to your inner resources, be kinder to yourself, connect to your being, heal emotional wounds. and see new perceptions or solutions you haven’t seen before.

Brain on trauma

A large part of our nervous system is devoted to coping with perceived threats. Our brains work hard to remember threats as this skill enabled survival for our ancestors. Especially the ancient part of the brain – the Amygdala’s main job is to keep you safe, and it takes over when you feel endangered. When Amygdala detects perceived danger, it will send signals to the hypothalamus to stimulate the autonomic nervous system. As a result, we dissociate, and our consciousness establishes a distance from the source of trauma, the body slows down, our metabolism shuts down, and the brain needs blood for legs to run, forcing blood out of conscious thinking.

The other part of our brain responsible for thinking – the prefrontal cortex, is an evolutionary innovation and goes offline when the older parts evaluate the situation or the person as potentially life-threatening.

As children, when traumatic events happen – we are often unable to escape from family or school, the environment, or wherever the traumatic event occurred. Because of this inability to run and the lack of mental resources, we are unable to process a traumatic memory.

As a result, this memory becomes a part of traumatized consciousness of an adult self.

The stressed and burdened brain is chemically imbalanced, has a low level of stress tolerance, and reinforces the neural pathways dedicated to carrying stress-related signals at the expense of memory and high-quality decisions.

Healing Emotional Wounds, emocionální lečení

What modalities do I use?

Healing Emotional Wounds, emocionální lečení

Internal Family Systems

We all know situations in our lives when we feel like one part of us wants to do this, but another part wants something completely different. Or perhaps you wish you would have some characteristics/ or wish a personality trait or behavioral pattern would go away?

IFS (Internal Family System Model) is based on idea that we are made up of multiple sub-personalities/parts, each with its own unique viewpoints and qualities and its normal. These sub-personalities/parts are often pushed to fulfill extreme, unnatural roles based on past trauma.

We treat there parts as little people with their own views, feelings, ideas that can interact with each other and we help them to unburden from traumatic memories or negative beliefs. 

During the sessions, we become conscious of different parts in our system and try to understand them, listen to their hurts, stories, and pains, and free them from what no longer works for them. We work with these parts, not against them. We befriend, listen and offer presence to them.

Parts are inherently good. They have positive intentions for the system. Often they are stuck in past roles and past scenes of trauma and had no idea client is an adult now and the circumstances had changed.

Tell me a bit more about IFS

During an IFS (Internal Family Systems) session, we work towards identifying and understand parts that are overactive in your system and need your attention. We do a patient inner observation and never force parts into anything. We help them by dialoguing with them (we don’t analyze them, neither it’s a work with imagination), we wait for answers to come and do our best to understand them.

IFS (Internal Family Systems) is a parts work modality. It works with a presumption that everyone has a Self. The essence that is not damaged, the deepest essence of every person, that is in everyone of us. The Self is a wise and compassionate inner leader able to heal the system. 

The Self can help these parts become less extreme and return to their natural roles. We know the Self is present through traits such as curiosity, compassion, calmness, and connectedness. 

To take an example, an exiled part may be an ashamed young part from earlier bullying. These emotions are suppressed by the manager who avoids social situations, or group where the situation might happen again. And the firefighter may be an addiction to alcohol, which distracts the person from re-experiencing the shame.

Healing Emotional Wounds social anxiety
Healing Emotional Wounds

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Work through emotional trauma from childhood, birth trauma, conception, ancestry, and even past lives with Clinical EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). We use the EFT tapping on meridian pathways to rewire our brain, adding new connections and cutting off the neural pathways that no longer serve us. For example, tapping on acupuncture points soothes the body and sends a signal of safety to our limbic part of the brain. The limbic system usually responds to the physiological signal of safety, overrides the psychological signal of danger, and produces delta waves (relaxation and deep sleep waves).

As a result, the conditioned loop is broken, and we are rewiring the subconscious mind (powerful information processor that runs automatic, often undesirable program behaviors).

By tapping, we are learning to change our subconscious programming wired in early life when we had no choice or passed down through ancestry. Now, we have a choice; just some parts of us might be unaware of it, and by working on our subconscious programming, we tap into the ability to change our genes and get in touch with our free will once again.

How is EFT tapping different from acupuncture/acupressure?

Acupuncture is based on energy flowing through our body through pathways called meridians. The blockage of this energy flow causes the disease. Acupuncture, tapping, or acupressure removes these blockages.

Because we store trauma/unprocessed emotions in the body by tapping these meridians on our bodies, we release the stuck emotional energy. Acupoint stimulation reduces amygdala threats and impacts invisible energy fields that organize neural activity because energy carries information and can be influenced in desired ways.

What can I work on during the session?

You can work on limiting beliefs, health concerns, challenging emotions, recent triggering events, repeating life cycles, or bothersome thoughts.

During our first session, we will get to know each other; I will create an open-minded listening space for you to tell me more about your current challenges. Offer yourself time and space to work with what arises in the moment and stabilize yourself to reach a point of functioning or work on a specific goal/result, work towards thriving, or more joy in your life. Sessions work cumulatively; over a series of sessions, we will keep looking at your challenges with sensitivity and full awareness.

We will work with chosen techniques, IFS (Internal Family Systems) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). We will keep looking into your issue, go deeper, keep reassessing what you need at the moment, and how your life is changing.

Dysregulovaný Nervový Systém
healing from emotional trauma, uzdravení z emočního traumatu


  • IFS Internal Family Systems Level 1 Training
  • IFS Internal Family Systems Level 2 Training Intensive: Shame, Anxiety, and Depression
  • EFT Universe Certified Clinical EFT Practitioner (a year long training with over 40 case studies and mentoring)
  • EFT Ancestral Healing Experiential Training
  • Metaphysical Anatomy level 2 Advanced Course
  • The Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening, A Six-Month Advanced Training to Intensify Presence and Live Your Highest Purpose
  • Licensed Mediator in SK – Alternative Dispute Resolution

1:1 SESSIONS With Me

Discovery session
(1x60 min.)

1 Session (Discovery Session)


Discovery Session/1 Session

During our first session, we will get to know each other; I will create an open-minded listening space for you to tell me more about your current challenges. Next, we will look at your challenges, your vision, dreams, and desired outcome.

Part of the discovery session is also to find out if you wish to work on:

1. Stabilising/Functioning

Offer yourself time and space to work with what arises in the moment and stabilize yourself to reach a point of functioning.


2. Get Results/Work on Specific Goal

Give yourself a gift to work on a specific goal/result, work towards thriving, or more joy in your life.

We will also find out a suitable technique for you. I mainly work with IFS (Internal Family Systems) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Maybe you already have preference or we will explore your preferences together.

We will explore parts that are involved in your current life circumstance and need your attention. You will explore parts that are active, play more extreme role and cause undesirable outcomes in your life.

Sometimes the discovery part takes 15 minutes, sometimes it takes a full 70 minutes, there is no right or wrong, depending on what your system needs at the moment. With the remaining time, we will continue to have a legitimate session.

3 Sessions

Clarity On the Chosen Issue


3 Sessions

Based on the what you decided to work on, be it more safety/ stability or to achieve a certain goal/dream/result in your life we will continue further session this direction. Sessions work cumulatively; over a series of sessions, we will keep looking at your challenges with sensitivity and full awareness.

We will work with chosen techniques, IFS (Internal Family Systems) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

We will keep looking into your issue, go deeper, keep reassessing what you need at the moment, how your life is changing and how your parts are doing. You will have my full support during the session and I also offer email support in between the sessions.

Note: You can always choose to purchase keep purchasing one session instead of packages. The price of one continuing session is the price of discovery session.

5 Sessions

Create New Energy Blueprint


5 Sessions

Based on the what you decided to work on, be it more safety/ stability or to achieve a certain goal/dream/result in your life, we will continue further session in this direction. Sessions work cumulatively; over a series of sessions, we will keep looking at your challenges with sensitivity and full awareness.

We will work with chosen techniques, IFS (Internal Family Systems) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

We will keep looking into your issue, go deeper, keep reassessing what you need at the moment, how your life is changing and how your parts are doing. You will have my full support during the session and I also offer email support in between the sessions.

Note: You can always choose to purchase keep purchasing one session instead of packages. The price of one continuing session is the price of discovery session.

Ancestral Healing Session

1 Ancestral Healing Session


Discovery Session/1 Session

During our first session, we will get to know each other; I will create an open-minded listening space for you to tell me more about your current challenges. Next, we will look at your challenges, your vision, dreams, and desired outcome.

Part of the discovery session is also to find out if you wish to work on:

1. Stabilising/Functioning

Offer yourself time and space to work with what arises in the moment and stabilize yourself to reach a point of functioning.


2. Get Results/Work on Specific Goal

Give yourself a gift to work on a specific goal/result, work towards thriving, or more joy in your life.

We will also find out a suitable technique for you. I mainly work with IFS (Internal Family Systems) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). Maybe you already have preference or we will explore your preferences together.

We will explore parts that are involved in your current life circumstance and need your attention. You will explore parts that are active, play more extreme role and cause undesirable outcomes in your life.

Sometimes the discovery part takes 15 minutes, sometimes it takes a full 70 minutes, there is no right or wrong, depending on what your system needs at the moment. With the remaining time, we will continue to have a legitimate session.

Analyze Dream Session w/IFS

1 Analyze Dream Session


3 Sessions

Based on the what you decided to work on, be it more safety/ stability or to achieve a certain goal/dream/result in your life we will continue further session this direction. Sessions work cumulatively; over a series of sessions, we will keep looking at your challenges with sensitivity and full awareness.

We will work with chosen techniques, IFS (Internal Family Systems) or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

We will keep looking into your issue, go deeper, keep reassessing what you need at the moment, how your life is changing and how your parts are doing. You will have my full support during the session and I also offer email support in between the sessions.

Note: You can always choose to purchase keep purchasing one session instead of packages. The price of one continuing session is the price of discovery session.

For crypto currency payment please ask me here. Based on your financial situation, I offer sliding scale for 1:1 sessions. Please write me to discus further.

Healing Emotional Wounds

What if I am not ready to talk about what happened?

If you are not ready to talk or even think about something that happened or is happening in your life, it is totally fine, and it is not a reason not to have a session. We will use trauma-sensitive, gentle techniques at a pace suitable just for you.

You can experience a breakthrough during a single session or two, but usually, the tapping works the best when done cumulatively. You can have a look at the options below to book more sessions.
