First Aid For Social Anxiety

What To Do In the Moment of Trigger On the Spot?

Struggling to Manage Social Anxiety on the Spot?

Easily triggered In social situations?

To all those distressed with social anxiety ...

When challenged by social situations, does this sound familiar?

  • Are you sweating, having heart palpitations, or feeling sick in the stomach?
  • Are you blushing and your mind going blank?
  • Are you exhibiting poor communication skills, not knowing how to position your body, or struggling to make eye contact?
  • Are you struggling to tackle challenging social scenarios – online or offline – work meetings, dating, giving a speech or presentation, making small talk, being the center of attention, or meeting new people?
  • Are you going on a date, an interview, getting ready to speak up in a meeting, or going to a party where you do not know anyone, and you experience emotions of fear, shame, or intense nervousness?

It's Okay

Download a Free Chapter: Which Tapping Points Work Exceptionally Well For Social Anxiety?  It will put you back in the driver’s seat!

– In this chapter you will learn which tapping points work exceptionally well for social anxiety!

– With the help of high-quality sources, I chose acupoints to be tapped in a challenging social situation.

– When selecting the acupoints, I took into consideration how easy/difficult it is to tap on selected acupoints during social occasions without people noticing. Tap these points without people noticing it and decrease your stress levels!

– Decrease you stress levels in social situations inconspicuously.

– It is like having an invisible friend that is helping in social situation with you.

Get your free copy now and start decreasing social anxiety On the Spot today.

learn emotional freedom technique

To All those Distressed With Social Anxiety:

Start transforming challenging emotions with this FREE CHAPTER.

Learn what to do in the moment of trigger on the spot.

– Selected Acupoints work exceptionally well for anxiety because they are connected with the meridians associated with specific organs and emotions according to Chinese medicine. Learn which ones are they.

– In this free chapter you will learn to tap/press/touch them inconspicuously these Acupoints during social occasions.

– Quality visuals are included.

– Usage of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) draws from concepts within traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), particularly in its use of acupressure points and the concept of balancing the body’s energy system.


First aid for social anxiety in the moment of trigger.

How to deal with social anxiety IN THE MOMENT of trigger?

– Learn how to help yourself IN THE MOMENT of trigger pretty much in any social situation.

Precise locations of meridian tapping points according to Chinese medicine to ease your anxiety ON THE SPOT.

– Snapshots of IN ACTION applications in social situations.

– Learn how to tap on acupoints that reduce stress and help calm the body and mind.

About Author

For me, social situations were also very triggering, and I understand the pain of it. The moments when you think it will never get better, and you can’t even imagine enjoying social situations because it is so challenging. But it can get better, and it will. So I decided to write this ebook (First Aid for Social Anxiety) so you have practical tips on how to help yourself in the moment of the trigger and after the challenging social encounter as well.

I believe it is a journey to find a healthier version of ourselves in social situations, and it does not have to be a long journey. It is not just about social anxiety but realizing things underneath, boundaries, self-value, past hurts, working with emotions, and self- expression. For me, it got better and better when I befriended anxiety on an experiential level. With these tools you can improve your social life as well.

Today, I am an emotional healing coach, and I would like to help you embrace your weirdness and help you to process challenging emotions. I am passionate about deconditioning ourselves from past patterns of family, ancestry, and societal limitations that no longer serve us.
